
'No Time Not to Live!' Mission Papers . Get 'new year ready' any time, any place, as Agent 003!

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'No Time Not to Live!' Mission Papers . Get 'new year ready' any time, any place, as Agent 003!

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Instead of setting New Year's Resolutions - re-set, refresh and get ready for the year ahead in a fun, effective, unique and 'whole of your life approach' way by undertaking the 'No Time Not to Live!' Mission as 'Agent 003'.

You are 'Agent 003' - the only '00' agent without an identity in any of the James Bond movies.

It is up to you to establish 003's identity by filling out where he/she (ie you) is at for all 12 aspects of his/ her (ie your) life, and where he/ she (ie you) wants to be heading for the next year.

In December 2021 'clues' were published live every day on Linkedin. These 'clues' and guidance formed the basis of the 48-page 'No Time Not to Live!' E-Book which is included with your 'Agent '003 Mission Papers'.


  • Your personalised (00) 3D Life Vision® template to establish 003's identity in the 12 life aspects.

  • 'No Time Not to Live' Mission E-Book with your daily clues.

  • Official Agent 003 Identification card.

  • Mission background information.

  • Instructions.

  • Further guidance.

  • Lifetime access to the Create Your Best World facebook group.

The key to the 'No Time Not to Live' mission is that it must be true to Agent 003 (ie you) - not what you think others expect of you, as that is the number regret of people before they die.

All products are written and designed by Liz Lions from Dezzein International and based on the (00) 3D Life Vision® concept. More information can be found at www.3Dlifevision.com .

Best of luck getting ready for your year ahead - we know you've got this!

Liz and the Dezzein International Team xo

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Your instantly downloadable 'No Time Not to Live' Mission Papers - the unique, effective fun and 'whole of life' approach to re-set your life and year ahead as 'Agent 003'!

100s of hours and 1000s worth of dollars of personal development packaged up simply to help you get your life as a whole on track
Value = Priceless
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